Your push-ad-free, research assistant!

Every day we are met with an overwhelming choice of products and information.

Liffery is your quiet space to capture, consider, collaborate and decide.

Hero image

What is our motivation behind Liffery?

Other popular platforms target users all day with ads... but leave little space to consider and decide.

Liffery fanLiffery fan

We hope to change it all

Liffery is free to use and we will never show adverts you didn’t ask to see!
We want users to be in control to search and receive ads when and if they want to see them.

Liffery fanLiffery fan

How people use Liffery today?

Liffery fan
Liffery fan
Meet Janine
Meet John

Shopping online is stressful. With Liffery she takes a thoughtful approach to deciding & purchasing.

To make his best purchases online, John likes to research & compare what his options are.

Janine likes the Reminders


John likes the Price Watcher

Liffery fan

Janine uses reminders

Liffery price watcher



Liffery family

Capture what matters

Liffery is a space you can come back to when you are ready to shop.

See something you like online? Save it to Liffery to compare & consider when you have the time.



Liffery friends

The group of friends

Save places they want to visit or remember with Liffery's map feature. They've been visiting Portugal for a while and channel keeps growing!


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Liffery Tinder
Liffery couple

Decision Maker

Making decisions in a couple or group can be tricky: The Decision Maker lets everyone get their opinion heard and lets the group make a decision quickly.

It's kind of like Tinder, but for products and things.

Liffery Logo
Liffery Logo


There are many online paths we take... now they have a home!

Make your
best choice.

Use price watchers, reminders, collaborative channels and play tinder with your collected products…

Our goal is to give you the tools to easily capture, consider & compare.

Liffery item cardLiffery item card mobile

© 2025 Liffery Ltd. All rights reserved. Registered in England No. 13241757.